Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rainy Tuesday

Rainy Tuesday. Woke up this morning went on the elliptical for about 40mins. Got my Green Monster, got ready for work. Received a ride to the train station from my lovely boyfriend, off work today because of the rain, soo jealous. Enjoyed my book on the train, got up off train. "Wait what’s this…oh that's right. It's raining!" I left my umbrella on the train. Here’s what I don’t get. It’s not like I was sitting alone, there was a woman sitting next to me. Why didn’t I get the whole “Hey miss you forgot this”. This is what I’m thinking, I don’t remember seeing her with an umbrella maybe this was her plot from the moment I sat down. It’s a super rainy day and tomorrow is supposed to be a wash out, little train lady will be nice and dry and I’ll have to run out on my lunch to buy a new one. I’m probably crazy and she was definitely into her book, she didn’t notice, but my first theory makes me feel better about leaving it behind. Who knows?
So I got to work in one piece not too wet. Talking to the girls about lunch and snacks for the day so on and so forth. There is a small group of us that are fairly health conscience and love to talk about food. I just got them hooked to caloriecount.com and we were talking about plugging in our food and whatnot, by the way if you aren’t on it get on it! So back to the chit chatting… this one girl ,we will call her AR, starts saying how she only wants to eat 1200 calories a day and that she only has had 430 calories thus far (it was 1pm). Me and my health partner in crime PK, start on our rant about how unhealthy that is and how your body will go into starvation mode and your brain function will even be effected after a period of time. To my complete shock… she didn’t care at all! I’m not saying I have never ever crashed diet for something, event etc., but if you can get better results by committing to eating better and working harder wouldn’t you rather do that than be hungry and angry. You know it’s true too...show me a hungry girl and I’ll show you an angry one. When you starve yourself your body slows down it metabolism, which means eventually that 100 calorie cookie will be like a 1000 cookie to your metabolism. You develop mental fatigue, inability to concentrate, irritability, headaches, confusion. Then your body uses (eats your) muscle for nutrients. Then you do start to eat again, it’ll store EVERYTHING, because it thinks it may go into starvation mode again. Your body is a complex smart machine. Take care of it!

The way I was able to understand nutrition is just that, think of your body as a machine, an amazing high quality machine. One of my favorite sayings in the beginnings was “Eat for the body you want, not the body you have.” If you think about it food is our body’s fuel. If I was driving around the new Audi R8 I wouldn’t be filling it up with regular gasoline, I would be giving that baby premium and I also would be getting the oil checked when it need to be done. So of course I’m going to treat my body like this as well, give it premium “gas” food. My body doesn’t run on chemicals it runs on food! So I try and avoid all processed foods. Why would I fill up on that stuff when the real version is available and so much better for me. Eat your veggies and fruits. I try to have a basic rule of if something stays fresh for a month and looks and tastes exactly the way it did when I first purchases it then I’m not going to eat it. It sounds strange but you want to eat things that rot. Things that die mean they are alive and being alive is energy and nutrients, all the things that we need in our diet.

By no means am I certified to give eating or dieting advice, these are only my opinions. So far on my health journey these are the things that have worked for me. Since I’ve made these changes not only have I lost 20 pounds (without being hungry ever!) I feel amazing , which is the most important thing. Well I have a couple of more hours of work to plow through then p90x polymerics, my favorite!!

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